The Daily BORED Net

The BORED Net is a “club agnostic” net that takes place Monday through Friday at 0900, with two more nets Saturday at 0900 and 2100. Tune to the Bozo Repeater, 147.885 MHz, minus offset, PL of 127.3. The primary net controller is Zak, N6PK. Other nets are taken by Keith W6KME, Victor W2AYZ, Armen W6ADL and Ed (The King of Saturday Night…) N6XEW. Stuart K6MQA is our go-to substitute. Keith is the administrator/coordinator, managing the net controller schedule and our extra events, primarily with N6PK and N6XEW.

As it says in the script, the goal is to give all hams and clubs in the county an opportunity to exchange ideas, share news, ask questions, practice skills, make announcements, and most of all provide a friendly place to meet.

On Saturdays, both nets are linked to the PVARC Repeater Network, which gives coverage from Los Angeles to Lompoc (the entire Ventura County area…and beyond!) In our first three years, over 500 hams have checked in over 25,000 times. Ham radio is alive and well, folks.

On Saturday mornings, we hold a swap net after the normal net. Hundreds of items have found new homes. The menu at the top of each page includes a link to a spreadsheet listing all the goodies currently available…check it out!

EVERYONE is encouraged and welcome to try their hand at controlling a net! The script is on the Docs page and has instructions for those who haven’t conducted a net before. It’s one of the most fundamental skills all hams should practice, but somehow the word gets around that it’s hard or just for the veteran operators…not true! Give it a try.